30’ Store
275 Shelves 3-year terms (Drive-Thru)
- 275 SKU’s
- Expired products purge to receptacle inside store
- Mobile app access for turnkey
- Support
- 2 pick up windows
- 2 touch kiosks
- 10’ air conditioned storage with fridge/freezer
- 20’ refrigerated space with shelves/gantry
- 1 panel digital menu display for drive thru
- Signage 360°
- Interior lighting
- 220V service line
- Generator adaptor with generator shelf (sold separate)
- Camera system inside pick up windows for customer service
- Operator Dashboard
- Cellular signal
- 3rd party maintenance provided
- 2/ 6’x6’ viewing windows 3 panel argon gas for insulation
- Microwave (installed separate)
- Custom-built shelving based on the products you stock
- Preorder menu
- Awning
- AC
- Electric meter equipped.